This feature will move your emails to the top of the inbox so you can send follow ups to emails you haven’t received a reply to. Remind Me feature of iOS 16 Mail app reminds users by resurfacing the message in the inbox at user’s chosen date and time. Have you ever opened an email and thought to yourself that you will reply to it at a later time, only to forget about it. Mail app search feature will also show richer view of shared content to the user before they begin searching for email messages. It also uses synonyms to find what user might be looking for. Mail app uses intelligence to correct typos in order to improve search and deliver right results to the user.

You can long press on the Send button to schedule messages. For example, you can type up a reply at night and schedule the email to arrive in receiver’s inbox at 7AM. IOS 16 enables Mail app users to schedule emails and send at a set time. If the user finds a mistake in the email within the set time, they can unsend an email and Mail app will stop it from getting delivered. It does so by delaying the sending of the outgoing message. IOS 16 Mail app allows users to unsend an email before it reaches the other user’s inbox. In addition to attachments Mail app can also remind users to add a missing recipient to the sender list. If you don’t want to add attachment you can simply tap on ‘Send Anyway’ option. If it finds that the message includes text like “Please find the document attached” or something similar, it will ask you if you meant to add an attachment to the email. Afterwards click on the ‘Remind Me Later’ button. Choose the time intervals for receiving email reminders and enter your email address. Simply click on the ‘Set Reminder’ button to enable this option. Mail app does this by reading the text of the composed email for hints that the user might be interested in adding an attachment to it. Crowdfundly comes with a ‘Remind Me Later ‘ setting which you can enable if you want email to reminders for making a contribution later. iOS 16 solves this by notifying the user if they forget to include their attachment in the email message. How many times have you sent an email to a colleague only to realize later that you forgot to add your attachment.